The New 3Rs Academic Transformation

The Right Systems, The Right Resources, The Right People

In the News Successes, Selected Curriculum Resources, Equity Studies and White Papers
The following recognitions, selected curriculum resources, equity case studies and white papers indicate the successful implementation and philosophy of using The Right Systems, The Right Resources and The Right People in Title 1 elementary schools.
The New 3Rs Management System Process Schematic
The "How, What and Why" of Accelerating Student Outcomes
Summary of the Reward Schools Case Study Project
2015 TEA Study on Successful
Texas Title 1 Schools
Reward Schools Case Study Project Blackshear Elementary School Austin ISD
2015 TEA Study on Blackshear
Equality Index - Graham and Blackshear Elementary Schools
Closing Achievement Gap Index Study by S & M Dell Foundation
1st - 8th Grades: "The 90 Minute Math Block - Putting All the Pieces Together"
Daily Structure is Key to Yearly Success! Pedagogy - Part 1 of 3.
1st - 8th Grade: "Spaced Repeti-tion System (SRS) - Application: General Math Skill Mastery"
Daily Structure is Key to Yearly Success! Pedagogy - Part 2 of 3.
1st - 8th Grades: "Accelerated Math Fact Student Mastery"
Daily Structure is Key to Yearly Success! Pedagogy - Part 3 of 3.
1st - 8th Grades: "Accelerated Math Fact Student Mastery" -
Reader's Digest Version
Pragmatic Pedagogical Pro- cedure with resources attached.
Fraction - Decimal Connection Using Spaced Repetition - Pedagogy
Understanding Concepts Via Number Lines (3rd - 8th Grades)
Positive and Negative Integers - Student Understanding of Magnitudes and Operations
Pedagogy: Concept Under- standing (5th - 8th Grades)
Multiplication and Division Pictorial Fraction and Decimal Models - Pedagogy
Understanding Conceptual Math Algorithms for 4th - 8th Grades
5th Grade Science STAAR FALL Prep Daily Reviews - Solutions - Pedagogy
60 Daily Warm-up Solutions
1st - 6th Grade Independent Reading with Accountability Paper (Home/School-Free Time)
5th Grade Science STAAR SPRING Prep Daily Reviews - Pedagogy
45 Daily Reviews with Solutions
4th - 8th Grade Daily
Measurement Warm-Ups -Pedagogy
Customary/Metric with Solution
4th - 8th Grade Customary Ruler Unit - Reading, Measuring, Application
Too Large to Post - 26 MB - If Desired, Contact Us Via Email - Google Share - FREE
Complete Instructional Unit
2nd - 8th Grade Customary Gallon Guy Classroom Poster -Pedagogy
Customary Quantities Visual
2018 TEA Accountability Domains - Defined and Domain Layering Analysis to Dramatically Increase Student Outcomes - 2 Page Document
4th - 12th Grade - 3D Spatial Development - (Students: High Academic, GATE & STEM)
Rectilinear: Inductive Part 1 of 3
4th - 12th Grade - 3D Spatial Development - (Students: High Academic, GATE & STEM)
Rectilinear: Deductive Part 2 of 3
4th - 12th Grade - 3D Spatial Development - (Students: High Academic, GATE & STEM)
Rectilinear: Creative Part 3 of 3
USA Passport Literacy - Mastery Reader Incentive Program - Pedagogy - United States
Templates for 1st - 8th Grades
USA Passport Literacy - Mastery Reader Incentive Program - Pedagogy - United States
DIRECTIONS - Creating License
TEXAS Math Fact 'Drivers' License" incentive for students learning their four (4) operations ----- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
NEVADA Math Fact 'Drivers' License" incentive for students learning their four (4) operations ----- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
CALIFORNIA Math Fact 'Drivers' License" incentive for students learning their four (4) operations ----- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
OHIO Math Fact 'Drivers' License" incentive for students learning their four (4) operations ----- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
NEW YORK Math Fact 'Drivers' License" incentive for students learning their four (4) operations ----- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
PENNSYLVANIA Math Fact 'Drivers' License" incentive for students learning their four (4) operations ----- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
FLORIDA Math Fact 'Drivers' License" incentive for students learning their four (4) operations ----- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
GEORGIA Math Fact 'Drivers' License" incentive for students learning their four (4) operations ----- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
MICHIGAN Math Fact 'Drivers' License" incentive for students learning their four (4) operations ----- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
ILLINOIS Math Fact 'Drivers' License" incentive for students learning their four (4) operations ----- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
ARIZONA Math Fact 'Drivers' License" incentive for students learning their four (4) operations ----- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
1st Grade - MATH "SPACED REPETITION" OUTLINE/GUIDE - For Instructional Planning Purposes
2nd Grade - MATH "SPACED REPETITION" OUTLINE/GUIDE - For Instructional Planning Purposes
3rd Grade - MATH "SPACED REPETITION" OUTLINE/GUIDE - For Instructional Planning Purposes
4th Grade - MATH "SPACED REPETITION" OUTLINE/GUIDE - For Instructional Planning Purposes
5th Grade - MATH "SPACED REPETITION" OUTLINE/GUIDE - For Instructional Planning Purposes
MATH FACT Driver License Incentive Program - All States
DIRECTIONS - Creating the Student Driver License Incentive
K-6th Grade - Aligning Reading to State Standards (CCSS or TEKS) - Framework for ELA Title 1 Program Academic Success
"Solving the Mystery of Poor Student Math Performance"
A Short White Paper providing the means to scoring academic excellence in one school year
"So, You Want to Be a Principal?"
A Short Essay on all socioeconomic levels of principal leadership. It also encapsulates a formula for Title 1 academic reformist leaders.
"Bilingual Acquisition - Language Learning Tips"
A Short Essay on Bilingual Education - Elementary Public School Programming and Adult Learning Tips
"Independent Readers - Educators' Ultimate Literacy Goal"
A Short Essay on Preparing Elementary Children to be Reading-Ready in a School-wide Independent Reading Program
Math Fact Mastery Easy to Do!
A Short Essay on Systemwide Numeracy so Elementary Children Master all Four (4) Math Fact Operations by the end of 3rd Grade.
Fractions Represent Two Things!
A Short Pedagogical Essay on Fractions, Decimals and Mixed Numbers - Mastery for all Students (Resources Included)
Guided Novel Instruction (GNI)
'Improving Literacy Outcomes'
A White Paper on Novel Studies that are highly effective with any socioeconomic school setting.
United States Geography Unit
For Intermediate Elementary and Middle School Students - Segmented by Geographical Region with A Cumulative 50 State Assessment
'Writing' - An Overlooked Learning Modality
This short essay examines the academic need for the physical act of writing for lesson planning and student cognitive learning.
Authority and Responsibility
- Public School Leadership
An examination of the disharmony between responsibility and authority in the American Public School System and its adverse effect on student outcomes.
A Guide to Academic Turnaround
- MATH - "Do ONLY What Matters"
A guide to prepare an educator to understand the specific steps and four (4) components to a math block that dramatically increases student outcomes in any elementary school
Autonomy Comes with a Condition!
This short essay clarifies and balances autonomy with regard to student outcomes while maintaining teacher control of instructional delivery and lesson design.
Middle School - Numeracy and Parallel Math Stop-Gap Program
This white paper provides a basis of design of paralleling a 'catch-up' numeracy program during the middle school grades (6th - 8th grades) using a separate intervention class.
School Boards Are the ONLY Entity that can Raise Academics
This short essay examines the three entities that monitor public education in the United States. But, only School Boards have the authority to raise student outcomes, but choose NOT to!
Teacher Burnout
- How to STOP It!
This short essay examines the main factor that presses the massive exodus of teachers from the public school system, and how to prevent it.
90-Minute Math Block
Readers' Digest Version
This short document provides the basic elements for a four part elementary school math block. It provides basic information so an educator of any experience level can apply it.
School Systems Thinking
Physical, Social & Academic Processes
This short essay provides the 'What, How, When and How' of school systems that impact the physical, social and academic environment of either a non-Title 1 or Title 1 elementary school.
Subtracting Whole Numbers
Correctly Every Time!
This short pedagogy paper presents a simple and GENERAL method for students to subtract whole numbers (and decimals) eliminating regrouping errors.​
Addition and Subtraction
Conceptual Understanding and Student Practice
This resource is intended for 2nd through 4th grades. It presents strip diagram and number line modeling from math facts to multidigit problems.​
Base 10 Multiplication and Division
Conceptual Understanding and Student Practice
This resource is intended for 4th through 6th grades. It presents pedagogical tips plus student practice resource sheets.​
3rd-4th Grade Fractions
Conceptual and Student Practice for New Standardized Assessments
This resource is intended for 3rd and 4th grades. It presents pedagogical tips plus student practice resource sheets.​
Its Importance and Pedagogy
This essay describes the means to ensure all students keyboard or touch-type at 40 - 60 WPM. It also examines the lack of pedagogical solutions in core content areas.​
1st - 4th Grade Analog Time Unit
Complete Math Unit on Clocks
This curricular resource contains both instructional recommendations and student practice sheets with solutions. Applicable for all State standards.​