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The New 3Rs Academic Transformation

The Right Systems, The Right Resources, The Right People


by Blaine Helwig
Oct 4, 20224 min read
New Teachers Must Control Three (3) Vital Areas
Every person, conscious of the fact or not, strives for ‘control’ of events in their immediate sphere of influence. ‘Control’ affords...

by Blaine Helwig
Oct 2, 202216 min read
Bilingual Acquisition – Language Learning Tips
Due to age and perspective, adults immediately recognize that the mastery of a second language is an incredibly pragmatic and useful...

by Blaine Helwig
Sep 27, 202219 min read
So, You Want To Be A Principal???
About twenty-five years ago, I was a passenger in a car returning to Austin. I was part of a three-member structural engineering team on...

by Blaine Helwig
Sep 8, 20227 min read
Atomic Habits – Repetition, Mastery, Pedagogy
After years of visiting Title 1 elementary charters and traditional public schools, I am constantly amazed at the minimal number of...

by Blaine Helwig
Sep 2, 20226 min read
Avoid Self-Inflicted Professional Wounds
As a seasoned campus and central office administrator, I have witnessed first-hand a handful of incidents involving educators that not...

by Blaine Helwig
Aug 20, 202221 min read
Solving the Mystery of Poor Student Math Performance
NOPE! The usual suspects of endless blame are not the reason poor academic math results in American public schools. In fact, a...

by Blaine Helwig
Aug 8, 20228 min read
An Elem. Assistant Principal’s Goal – "Grow and Go!"
I was an elementary assistant principal for almost two years, and I repeatedly heard the AP position accurately characterized as, ‘Grow...

by Blaine Helwig
Jun 30, 20224 min read
Chocolate and Title 1 Academic Inequities
Awhile back, I attended a national charter school founder’s lecture about his experiences opening new schools across the country. After...

by Blaine Helwig
Apr 8, 20227 min read
New Teacher Tips by “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”
“The Marvelous Mrs. Mazel” is an Emmy winning Amazon Prime video series (4 Seasons) about a New York City divorcee who pursues a career...

by Blaine Helwig
Apr 2, 20228 min read
Two Questions that Stymie Most Title 1 Administrators
In the last 30 years, the author has visited approximately 250 Title 1 elementary campuses as a teacher, principal, central office...

by Blaine Helwig
Mar 23, 20226 min read
Emulate Before Innovating: COVID or No COVID
Every time we boarded an airplane to travel, my wife would open the airline magazine and complete the three levels of Sudoku puzzles: ...

by Blaine Helwig
Aug 14, 20214 min read
‘Fix’ Fluency --- or, Comprehension ‘Breaks Down!’
Word fluency will drive comprehension proficiency since the students can read and not deplete their ‘CPU’ trying to decipher the most...

by Blaine Helwig
Feb 7, 20215 min read
Teaching to the Test - A Better Understanding of the Phrase
I have heard the expression – Teaching to the Test – for many years, but I had not deeply considered the thinking behind the phrase until...

by Blaine Helwig
Oct 5, 20203 min read
Eliminating Differentiated Instruction is the Title 1 Campus Goal
Back in the spring of 2016 when I was an elementary principal, I attended a district professional development session on a new teacher...

by Blaine Helwig
Sep 16, 20205 min read
Trickle-Down Teacher Training Versus Bubble-Up Gap Elimination
The macroeconomic theory of trickle-down corporate tax cuts has been a mainstay for conservative politicians and economists for nearly a...

by Blaine Helwig
Aug 13, 20206 min read
Effective Daily Classroom Management – Come Rain or Shine!
Half a century ago, my father, older brother and I watched a herd of horses driven into a rectangular corral from an open field. My father w

by Blaine Helwig
Jul 8, 20203 min read
Word Problems: Student Benefits and Effective Teaching Tips
The daily teaching of math word problems is essential if students are to become adept problem solvers. The consistency of a daily routine...

by Blaine Helwig
May 13, 20205 min read
Distance Learning – Pandemic Lessons Learned
The pandemic has brought to light many underlying issues in our society. Some incidents were surprising; for instance, I was astounded...

by Blaine Helwig
Feb 12, 20203 min read
Baiting Educators for an Emotional Response
Happens far too frequently in our public schools. A student will use profanity or do something outrageous to get an emotional response...

by Blaine Helwig
Dec 17, 20195 min read
It’s the Gaps, Stupid! – Part 1
The famous American political phrase, “It’s the economy, stupid” is attributed to James Carville and coined during Bill Clinton's...

by Blaine Helwig
Dec 16, 20197 min read
It’s the Gaps, Stupid! – Part 2
Small Gaps Widen to Larger Chasms While hiking the 500-mile-long El Camino in Spain a couple of summers ago, a small pain ensued on the...

by Blaine Helwig
Oct 7, 20193 min read
Pick a Number. Any Number. Now - Why is that Number Important?
I am thinking of a two digit number between 30 and 40 that is both an even number and a multiple of 8. Can you guess the number? As...

by Blaine Helwig
Aug 29, 20193 min read
Align, Teach, Practice and Do Well!
A middle distance runner competing in a 3,200 meter or 5 kilometer race practices and trains differently than a long distance runner...

by Blaine Helwig
Aug 17, 20194 min read
In Title 1 Schools, Facts are Stubborn Things
When I was in college, my statics and dynamic professor proposed a no homework versus a double homework wager to his students. He...
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